

  • Kutulutsa kwa Exorgenic kwa jakisoni

    Kutulutsa kwa Exorgenic kwa jakisoni

    Lero tikuchepetsa gawo loumbidwa, lomwe lili ndi voliyumu yaying'ono. Chithunzicho kumanzere chikuwonetsa kuti ndi ndalama imodzi. Kuwala kumapezeka pamzere wogawa, zomwe zimawonetsedwa ndi bokosi lofiira m'chithunzichi. Chifukwa chake, tikugwiritsa ntchito makina a 60l kuti tisanthule ndikusankha 0.5mm mainmeter ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Momwe mungasinthire media?

    Momwe mungasinthire media?

    Atamaliza ntchito ya tsikulo, tsatirani ntchito yochita kuchotsa ndikusintha ma medias. 1 After removing the workpiece at the end of the cryogenic deflashing and retracting the barrel into the working bin, switch the operation screen to the manual screen. ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Kodi ma terminal amatha kukonzedwa pogwiritsa ntchito makina osokoneza bongo?

    Kodi ma terminal amatha kukonzedwa pogwiritsa ntchito makina osokoneza bongo?

    Makina osinthika a Christogenic ndioyenera kuchotsa ma burrs osiyanasiyana, jakisoni wokumbidwa, zinc-magnesium-aluminium-aluminium. STMC has been deeply involved in the cryogenic deflashing machine industry for over 20 years, constantly innovating and becoming a solid support for various ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Momwe mungachotsere ma burrs ku ziweto za mphira?

    Momwe mungachotsere ma burrs ku ziweto za mphira?

    In recent years, influenced by the social environment, more and more families are keeping pets, which has led to the flourishing of the pet market and pet supplies market. Zoseweretsa zosokoneza ziweto m'masitolo ziweto ndizowoneka bwino, koma poyendera mosamalitsa, kuwongolera kwa ziweto munyumba ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Momwe mungasinthire?

    Momwe mungasinthire?

    Masiku ano, mayeso akulu ndi a mphete yopanda mphete ya mphira. Asanafotokozere, mphete za ma outzi zimakonzedwa bwino. Ngati kusinthasintha kumagwiritsidwa ntchito, idzakhala yovuta kwambiri komanso yodula. Chifukwa cha kukula kwa mphete ya o o-o-, tikugwiritsa ntchito ns-60 l kutsanzikana, 60l moded ha ...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Momwe mungasinthire zinthu za zinc emooy?

    Momwe mungasinthire zinthu za zinc emooy?

    Mwezi watha, kasitomala anatipeza ndikuyang'ana njira ya zinziri yoyala. Our response was affirmative, but due to the shape and individual differences in composition of the products, the trimming effect would need to be tested before being demonstrated to the customer.Upon receiving t...
    Werengani zambiri
  • Makina oletsa oletsa kubereka kapena onyoza kuti muchotse mafupa

    Makina oletsa oletsa kubereka kapena onyoza kuti muchotse mafupa

    Makina ophatikizira a Crirogenic ndiwothandiza komanso othandiza kuchotsa zam'mimba za mphira kuphatikizapo ndi mafupa a mphira. Crombogenic zoletsa zonyansazi zidzakhala ndi zolondola bwino komanso kuchita bwino kwambiri kuti muchotse mavinyo a mafashoni. Kuti mumvetse bwino, apa ndikupereka chitsanzo chabwino kwa inu kuti mumvetse ...
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